How do I know I have enough shoes?

How can you know if you have enough shoes? Well, there's a very simple math equation for determining the ideal number of shoes that an individual needs in order to function effectively in society.

Multiply the number of days in the week by the number of days that you work in an average week. Subtract the number of weeks holiday you get every year. Multiply the number of nice evenings out you have in an average month times the number of visits you make to the gym in a year then multiply that sum by the first sum. Divide this number by half the balance owing on your credit card. Multiply that number by the age you were when you lost your virginity. Subtract the number of sexual partners you've had in your life. This is the number of shoes you should own. Divide by two and that will give you the number of PAIRS of shoes you really, really, really need.

If you do not possess this number of pairs of shoes then GET SHOPPING!


EXAMPLE: Courtney works five days a week in an office. She gets three weeks of holidays a year. She averages four nice nights out a month (Lucky Her!) and goes to the gym about 94 times a year (Good Girl!). She owes $3200 on her credit card (Not Bad, Not Bad!). [Courtney would not reveal her other figures to us but she did admit to owning 21 pairs of shoes.