
      less often but not less brilliant

  JULY 2011

I've tried to give up my narcissism but it is one of the things I really love about myself.

Hugh Briss

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Left handed enthusiast seeks other left-handers for high-fiving action! Box 30.

A Frank Talk With Genius

An Interview with Hugh Briss
by Frank Speeking

M ussey Lectures- Hugh Briss

Our Correspondent, Sally Kind, visits Mussey Hall for the first in a series of lectures by Hugh Briss: Doing Your Homework (more...)

W innipeg in the Summer

Who doesn't love a photo essay? Let's have a show of hands. Okay, I don't care for your attitude, Mister.(more...)

Thor, The Parking Vigilante

Thor was angered by parking violations. And when Thor was angry he would unleash his wrath (more...)